Saturday, October 11, 2008

Blayne left yesterday, Friday, to go with the Young Men in our ward to a BYU football game and fireside. The fireside was last night and he said that it was one of the most uplifting experiences he's had in recent memory. Bronco Mendenhall, the football coach, was the main speaker.

With Blayne gone, Darek and I went to dinner and ice cream with my friend Brooke and her son, Jackson. Then we let the boys play until bedtime - those evening hours get lonely when husbands are gone. Her husband hunts (as do a ton of other Idahoans) and now that hunting season has begun, the men are away on the weekends!

Darek has finally become a fan of Sesame Street - I'll be honest, I've been desperate for him to fall in love with tv. Now I can finally shower in the morning instead of having to wait until he takes his afternoon nap.

Yep, I buckle him in his high chair and set it in front of the tv. Getting ready is a million times easier. (That's his breakfast that's all over his face.)

It snowed today in Idaho Falls. The weather up until now has been absolutely beautiful. Last week the temperature was in the 80's. How quickly things change.