Thursday, September 24, 2009

Last week we went to Provo to say good-bye to Kevin as he entered the MTC. It is a great experience to see a young man begin one of the most life changing adventures of his life. Kevin was ready and anxious to serve.

While we were there I got to hang out with one of my good friends from BYU, Catherine. It had been close to 6 years since we'd seen each other. There's something about old friends, friends who "knew you when", that make reuniting all the better. It really took me back to my days at Liberty Square living with 5 other girls. Whether it was hanging out with neighbors like Catherine and Dorothy or lounging in my own apartment there was always someone to talk to and gossip to catch up on. There was never a dull moment then and there's never a dull moment now, but for completely different reasons :)

Mia is a mover and a shaker. Life was truly easier before she could crawl. She turns over garbage cans, opens drawers, takes Darek toys. She crawled onto this platform and then couldn't figure out how to get off. She's constantly into something. But she sure is a doll!
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