Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It's about time I jumped on board this train. With my family living in Iowa and Blayne's in California, we want to make sure that they don't forget about us out here in Idaho. Darek is 19 months old and fits every stereotype of a toddler: he's into everything, throws fits, and he is SUCH a blast! We spend the better part of most days outside. He spends most of his time trying to get into other people's garages (to take their kids' toys) or their backyards (to play on their swingsets or with their dogs).

I am due to have baby #2 (a GIRL!!!) on February 4th. This pregnancy has been great. And I feel great even though I'm packing on the pounds (I eat donuts and peanut butter M&Ms everyday-I try to stop, but I can't).

Blayne has now worked as a pharmaceutical rep for Eli Lilly for over two years. He loves his job. We've started our own Internet business called where women can buy and sell used wedding and formal dresses for free. Blayne is selling advertising space on the site and has had a lot of success in Idaho Falls. And when I say "we" started our own business, really I mean I came up with the idea and Blayne has done all the work. It's the good life!

Blayne did his first sprint triathlon this summer

Picking up a ladybug and showing it to me. Poor bug.

This is Darek's favorite toy, his 4-wheeler. It has a button on the handle bar that makes it go. It can get up to 2mph...Awesome