Busy. Uncle Joe came to visit, followed by Grandma T, followed by my friend Natalie and her fiance. We've absolutely loved it, but we haven't taken many pictures.
Darek has been tough. They say 3 is the new 2 and well, it seems to be true here. He is relentless about things that he wants, and being independent, and he takes my patience to its absolute limit.
Last week I was telling him (not calmly) to get out of the pantry and he said, "You don't talk to me like that." Oh crap. He talks non-stop about anything and everything. We were driving down the road and saw a homeless man outside Wal-Mart holding a sign. Darek pointed out that the man was holding a sign and asked me if he was sad. We went on to have a 10 minute conversation about why the man was holding a sign, how he needed money to buy food, and how Darek wanted to give him money (I know that I should have stopped to give the man money but I was on the opposite side of the street and couldn't turn around). He wants to talk about everything he sees - it can be adorable, entertaining, frustrating, and exhausting. I'm trying to appreciate this stage for what it is.
Mia, on the other hand, is in a darling phase where she entertains herself, sqeals over baby dolls and daddy coming home, and generally smiles all day long. She loves to push her doll around in a stroller, do whatever Darek's doing, eat and play. So cute.
Playing with Uncle Joe.
Mia has started horning in on Darek's play dates. But since they were dancing and playing with dolls, it was right up her ally (not that Blayne would have appreciated this scenario :).
Blayne and Darek play "Lions" almost everyday and part of their routine is eating food off of the floor like they're lions. So they took their Easter candy and put it on the floor - the baby lion joined in.