Monday, December 6, 2010

First Love

Grace came over to eat last night with her boyfriend and two of her roommates.
Darek was "taken" with Grace's roommate Megan from the moment she walked in.
He asked me her name at least 20 times, trying to make sure he had it right.
After we finished eating and everyone was sitting around chatting, Darek, unannounced and with complete boldness, climbed up on Megan's lap, wrapped his arms around her neck and whispered "I love you Megan" in her ear. He kept his arms around her neck for at least a minute, then he climbed down and went about his business.
I have NEVER seen him do anything like that EVER in his life. It was absolutely adorable. When I told him I wanted to take a picture of him with Grace's friends, he went straight to Megan.
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